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5,995kg to 7,490kg GVM


Canter 4x2

4,983kg to 8,550kg GVM



9,000kg to 31,000kg GVM


Fighter FK1425

11,000kg to 24,000kg GVM



16,500kg to 30,800kg GVM


Rosa bus

25 Seats


Feature Article

FUSO enjoys strong showing at Fieldays

Fuso New Zealand returned to Fieldays with an expanded range and several eye-catching promotions on a site 33% larger than its inaugural showing in 2017.

The increased presence reflected the depth and diversity of FUSO’s growing range, with ten trucks on display ranging from the Canter, Fighter and HD line-up, alongside four Enduro tippers from FUSO’s new workhorse offering – all garnering strong interest.

At the centre of the site, FUSO’s premium 8x4 HD FS3147 stood alongside a Mercedes-Benz X-Class ute – an eye-catching promotion that pairs two stablemates of parent company Daimler.

Fuso NZ managing director Kurtis Andrews said the promotion, which gives anyone who buys an 8x4 HD before 31 December the chance to win an X-Class, drew plenty of attention.

“The FUSO HD 8x4 range is the pinnacle of our heavy truck offering and we see a clear alignment with the X-Class, New Zealand’s most premium ute,” said Andrews. “Both vehicles benefit from world-class Daimler engineering.”

Enduro has arrived

Fieldays provided a final launch platform for the new Enduro range, introduced to complement the existing FUSO line-up at a sharply competitive price point.

Andrews said Enduro has gained good awareness within the market since its official launch six months ago.

“We’re starting to see good growth in Enduro sales and the new locally built 6x4 and 8x4 Cambridge Welding Services tippers we’ve added to the mix will help increase that.”

Both the 6x4 FJ2528 CWS Tipper and 8x4 FO3128 CWS Tipper were on display at Fieldays and are now in monthly production.

“Overall, we had a really positive response to our site this year and our dealers captured some strong leads - some of which have already generated sales - so we’re pretty happy with the investment,” said Andrews.

“Fieldays is a good opportunity for us to showcase our product to a broader audience than our conventional marketing reaches, and I'd like to thank everyone that helped make it a success.”
