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5,995kg to 7,490kg GVM


Canter 4x2

4,983kg to 8,550kg GVM



9,000kg to 31,000kg GVM


Fighter FK1425

11,000kg to 24,000kg GVM



16,500kg to 30,800kg GVM


Rosa bus

25 Seats


Fuso New Zealand

Terms of Use

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Copyright 2017, Fuso New Zealand Ltd. The text, images, graphics, sound files, animation files, video files and their arrangement on this Fuso New Zealand website are all subject to copyright and other intellectual property protection laws in New Zealand and other countries, including but not limited to the Copyright Act 1994 and through international treaties. Apart from any use that is permitted under the Copyright Act 1994 all rights are reserved. These objects may not be copied for commercial use or distribution, nor may these objects be modified or reposted to other Internet sites.

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Some of the product information, illustrations and images featured on this site may have been prepared for generic use on sites that are maintained in different countries around the world. Consequently, some of the information and/or accessories are not available in some countries or which, in order to satisfy local market demand or regulatory controls, may only be available in different specifications or configurations.

If you are interested in any vehicle model, paint, option or accessory shown on this site and are unsure of its availability or specification in your locality, you should contact your local Fuso dealer for the relevant product or brand, including information of current details and options available in your locality.


Unless otherwise stated, prices specified are recommended retail prices, exclusive of all government charges and dealer delivery costs. Prices are current at the time of publication and are subject to change at any time and from time to time without notice.

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The information that is contained on this site is for preliminary and general purposes only.  Fuso New Zealand may at any time and from time to time at its full and complete discretion make any changes to the information that is contained in this site. This information is provided by Fuso New Zealand "as is" and to the extent permitted by law, is provided without warranty of any kind, expressed or implied, including (but not limited to) any implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for any particular purpose, or non-infringement. While the information provided is believed to be accurate, it may include errors or inaccuracies. As such, no reliance whatsoever should be placed on the information that is contained in this site as being accurate, complete and up to date.

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Finance Products

Fuso Financial is a business name of Mercedes-Benz Financial Services New Zealand Ltd (MBFSNZ).  MBFSNZ is Fuso New Zealand’s finance company. As such, this information must be read and is subject to the respective disclaimers, legal notice and privacy statement which are available from Fuso Financial.

Information contained in summaries of finance products is subject to change at any time without notice. This may include indicative interest rates, terms available, estimated payments and fees and charges.

If you are interested in any finance product, you should contact your local finance provider to obtain confirmation of current details.

The provision of finance is subject to the financier´s usual credit approval processes. The details provided on this site are not intended, and shall not be construed, as an offer to provide finance on the terms stated.

Insurance Products

Insurance is arranged by AON New Zealand.  This website contains general information only. You should refer to the appropriate insurance policy for specific details of cover, terms and conditions.

The insurer reserves the right not to accept certain vehicles and the right to issue the insurance policy subject to certain exclusions, conditions and limitations

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