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5,995kg to 7,490kg GVM


Canter 4x2

4,983kg to 8,550kg GVM



9,000kg to 31,000kg GVM


Fighter FK1425

11,000kg to 24,000kg GVM



16,500kg to 30,800kg GVM


Rosa bus

25 Seats


Feature Article

The right solution

Auckland-based Absolute Traffic Solutions has enjoyed strong growth over the past three years, establishing itself as a leading provider of traffic management services and more. Helping carry that growth forward is the company’s new 4x2 FUSO Fighter FM1628, which owner Jade Fonotoe says “ticks all the right boxes”.

Jade took over Absolute Traffic Solutions from his father John three years ago and has since grown the business from five to 38 staff. Last year he set about upgrading the company’s ageing fleet, starting with the purchase of the new Fighter.   

“I knew exactly what I wanted in a new truck and I did a lot of research before settling on the FUSO Fighter FM1628 – it does everything I want, and I had spoken to other owners of transport businesses who recommended FUSO,” he says.

“One of the main things I was looking for was a good gearbox, so the six-speed Allison automatic in the FM1628 was an immediate attraction. We do a lot of crawling when we’re coning out; the automatic transmission makes it easier for our drivers to maintain an even pace, and also means they’re able to focus better on what’s happening on the road.

“They’ve described the truck as a dream to drive. It carries a full 4T load well, and the braking and handling are both excellent.”

In a year, it has clocked up 8,000km. Fitted with a custom-built deck, the unit doubles as both an attenuator and transport vehicle. With a 16T GVM, it can carry up to 400 cones and 60 signs, along with all the other equipment staff need to do their job.    

Jade’s next fleet upgrade will be in the shape of a Canter 918 Crew Cab, which he has earmarked for use on smaller projects.

“There’s still plenty of room on the deck and up front there is enough space for a decent-sized crew – up to seven people. I’ve only just ordered it and it’s still with the bodybuilders.”

More than STMS

The majority of the company’s work is based around Auckland, with notable projects including the multi-billion dollar Commercial Bay and the ongoing development at Auckland International Airport, but Jade says that Absolute Traffic Solutions services are not just limited to traffic management.

“I worked with my father as operations manager, so I’ve got a lot of industry experience that I offer to clients in a consultancy role, helping them develop and improve their logistics overall.”

The company also provides onsite security, route planning, general labour hire and hoist operations.

He credits the company’s success with his commitment to doing the job properly, and the work he has put in since taking over the reins.

Such is ATS’ reputation in the industry, Jade says he has several clients who will only use them – flying him and his crews to locations throughout the country to work on various projects.

“I think quality and safety are the two most important things, and we don’t compromise on either. The new FUSO trucks in our fleet will help us keep moving in the right direction.”


Fighter FM1628 Allison auto (MWB model)

GVM/GCM: 16,000kg/32,000kg

Power/torque: 199kW / 785Nm

Transmission: 6-speed Allison auto

Service intervals: 30,000km


Canter 918 Crew Cab

GVM/GCM: 8,550kg/1,2050kg

Power/torque: 129kW/430Nm

Transmission: Duonic AMT

Service intervals: 30,000km

